Senior people with Alzheimer’s or a similar form of dementia tend to suffer from sleep problems which ranges from excessive sleep to no sleep at all for several days. Sleep problems in seniors with some form of dementia include Sundowner’s syndrome which can make it difficult to fall asleep, difficulty in falling and staying asleep,
Read MoreWe are nearing that time of the year when we are most likely to be at the receiving end of sneezing, coughing, and sore throats. This is late October which means start of the flu season which is going to last until March or April. You’ll be surprised to know that seniors comprise 70 to
Read MoreOur skin becomes more fragile as we grow old. Again, the skin can turn dry because of the side-effects of some medications, such as those prescribed for high blood pressure and high cholesterol which is further compounded by the loss of collagen (structural protein), which is a natural part of the aging process. All of
Read MoreA senior person should be taken care of in the best possible way in order for them to live their retirement years in the best possible way. But they are not taken care of as well as they should which can be attributed to the busy lifestyles of most youngsters that they lead. The best
Read MoreWhen it comes to senior housing, there are a lot many options available. But the sheer number of choices is something that is overwhelming, especially for families who haven’t been through this process before. When it comes to going for a senior living option, most families say that they do not know what to look
Read MoreAge also brings with it a lot of issues with regards to health. Many senior people face mobility issues which makes it difficult for them in carrying out their day-to-day activities, many senior people suffer from memory issues and so forth. Such people would require assistance at all given times in order to live a
Read MoreThere are no two ways about the fact that mothers and grandmothers play critical roles in our lives, they are the nurturers, the organizers, the people we turn to during difficult times, and the ones to share our good news with first. If you feel that the senior family members in your family are suffering
Read MoreIf you are in the search for a quality assisted living home or adult care home in Anthem Arizona, Anthem Senior Living may be among your favorites, see what others have said about our assisted living home.