Obesity is a big thing in our country. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of the country’s population is considered to be obese. Obesity increases the chances for someone to get heart disease, cancer, stroke, acid reflux and type 2 diabetes. It is mostly the middle age when people
Read MoreThere can be no better activity than gardening that offers a variety of mental and physical health benefits for people of all ages. Gardening is a great stressbuster and helps to improve strength and boosts the spirit. The benefits of gardening are even better for older adults with Alzheimer’s or dementia. If you notice signs
Read MoreThe risk for Alzheimer’s disease or a similar type of dementia is higher for people who have a family history as genetics puts people at a higher risk of developing it. This is a thing to worry about. Adults who have lost a loved one to this disease know firsthand how tough it can be.
Read MoreWe are all aware about the fact about the important role vaccinations play in preventing serious illnesses and saving lives. Most people associate immunizations with infants and young children, but vaccines are not just for kids, they are as much important for older adults. Senior people also need some important vaccinations too. Our immune system
Read MoreIt is the tendency on the part of most senior adults to underestimate the importance of having a yearly eye examination which most of them feel to be an unnecessary exam. A senior person should remember that a yearly visit to the eye doctor includes more than just a vision test. The risk for a
Read MoreIt can be painful to see an aging parent’s mental agility slowly slipping away. This degeneration is considered to not only being an inevitable part of getting older, but also as a force we are unable to stop. As per newer researches, there are ways to keep aging brains active. Before going ahead with discussing
Read MoreAs per a study by researchers, an increased number of falls may be related to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to the researchers, older adults whose brain scans showed signs of amyloid, a sign of early Alzheimer’s disease, also had double the risk for falling. So, it can be a unique way to
Read MoreYou must be aware that July is National Picnic Month. Most families just jump at an opportunity to host a picnic on a sunny summer day but they need to be aware of a few picnic safety issues especially if the picnic will involve an older loved one who is on a restricted diet. During
Read MoreThe search to find a new primary care physician for your senior loved one might require a little more involvement than you can imagine. Medical diagnosis of heart disease, diabetes or Alzheimer’s can make the process more challenging. It is best to go for a geriatrician or physician who has years of experience caring for
Read MoreAcross the country, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia have turned into a growing problem. As per the Alzheimer’s Association, one out of every eight baby boomers will develop the condition in the coming years. There are so many senior people living with the disease currently. All of this does not mean that dementia is always obvious
Read MoreIf you are in the search for a quality assisted living home or adult care home in Anthem Arizona, Anthem Senior Living may be among your favorites, see what others have said about our assisted living home.